
What is the role of a Massage Therapist?

Massage Therapy consists primarily of the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, to achieve a therapeutic response. It alters the function of muscles and joints, connective tissue (fascia), tendons, ligaments, and nerves, as well as  improving the circulation of the blood and lymph.

Massage techniques are designed to rehabilitate, maintain or improve physical function. In addition to traditional massage techniques, your Therapist may also use Manual Lymph Drainage, Myofascial Release, Thermal Therapy, Cold Laser, Shockwave, Kinesiotaping or Remedial Exercise Therapy as part of your treatment as deemed necessary.

Massage Therapists work in a variety of settings, often in conjunction with other health care professionals such as physiotherapists and chiropractors.

What are the possible benefits?

How you can benefit from Massage Therapy.

Massage Therapy treats specific conditions as well as affecting the body as a whole, promoting a general sense of well-being.

A variety of techniques and modalities may be used to achieve optimal effects, according to your specific requirements. Feel comfortable to ask questions so you clearly understand the goals of your treatment and the treatment itself.

The therapeutic effects of massage benefit men and women of all ages – infants, children, pregnant women and the elderly. It can provide relief and often recovery from a wide variety of mild and acute conditions.

Health Insurance and Massage Therapy

Many private health insurance companies and government group medical insurance provide full or partial coverage under extended health care plans. Some plans require a physician’s referral or other specific criteria for coverage. Please check your individual policy to determine your type of coverage.

You may be wondering…

There will be a written confidential medical history form to complete. Your therapist will perform a full physical assessment as well as specific assessment of your area of concern, perhaps by checking for restricted or painful movement, gently feeling for tenderness and looking at your posture. This information is used to create your massage treatment plan and to ensure your safety.

Only those areas found to have dysfunction will be addressed.

All treatments will be explained to you and proceed only with your understanding and consent.

Be an active participant in the session. Ask questions about things you don’t understand, make your wishes known and let the therapist know if you are uncomfortable at any time.

Your massage therapist will leave the room while you undress the area to be treated. You are completely draped with a sheet throughout the session. At any time, only the part of the body being treated is uncovered.

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